

The Compact releases an annual college success dashboard report to track progress on indicators that correlate to college readiness, college access, and college persistence. This report is shared with the community and used to inform collaborative and institutional specific action plans to further the success of CMSD high school graduates. Below is an interactive breakdown of the most current data. To read the previous reports, please visit the Publications and Resources page.

College Readiness

Goal: CMSD high school four-year graduation rate

Percentage of students participating in Advanced Placement testing

Percentage of high school students participating in Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) or College Credit Plus (CCP)

Percentage of students graduating with a 3.0 GPA or higher

Percentage of scores that were 3+ on Advanced Placement exams

Percentage of CMSD graduates needing remediation in math or English at an Ohio public institution

Goal: CMSD high school four-year graduation rate

Percentage of students graduating with a 3.0 GPA or higher

Percentage of students participating in Advanced Placement testing

Percentage of scores that were 3+ on Advanced Placement exams

Percentage of high school students participating in Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) or College Credit Plus (CCP)

Percentage of CMSD graduates needing remediation in math or English at an Ohio public institution

College Access

Goal: CMSD graduate college enrollment within one year

Average number of times students take the ACT and/or SAT

Average number of completed college applications per student (of those that completed one)

Percentage of CMSD graduates with a college ready score on the ACT or SAT

Percentage of students completing at least one college application

Approved Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) rate